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T3P Concept

John Yuko

Tools, Protection, Procedures, and Positioning

In any organization, an effective safety program is the combination of a comprehensive set of programs and expectations from regulation compliance, training, certifications, and PPE … to committees, policies, re-training, discipline, and recognition.  But there’s a common sense side to safety that requires personal ownership and commitment prior to every task performed.  At GSM, we call it T3P.  In the world of a million acronyms, T3P stands for Tools, Protection, Procedures, Positioning.  Let’s think about that for a second.

The T3P Concept

If you consider these four simple words prior to performing any task, you’re essentially performing a personal Job Safety Analysis.  Ask yourself…

Am I using the right tool for the job, and using it correctly?  How many times have you used a wrench as a hammer, or a screwdriver as a chisel; introducing an increased risk of injury.  Use the right tool.

Am I protecting my body by wearing the appropriate PPE to protect my body for the task I’m performing?  Forgetting your safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, steel tips, sleeves, etc. increases the risk of injury.  Wear the proper protection.

Am I following the proper procedure for the task?  There’s a right way and a wrong way, and every task has the “right” procedure, while the wrong way increases risk of injury.  Follow the proper procedure.

Am I positioning my body correctly to “stay out of the line of fire” in the event that something goes wrong?  Know where the line of fire is… and stay out of it.  Position our body correctly.

Thinking about these four concepts reduces your risk, and can help you avoid your next injury.  At GSM, working safely is the most important part of our jobs, and we take it seriously – from adding the T3P concept into every GSM employee toolbox to offering roof safety solutions for our customers.

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I did get a chance to inspect the roof of this church last week. There was no damage to the roof, it is actually in quite good condition since it was installed in the late 80's or early 90's. The leaks they are experiencing are at the flashing transitions to the stone masonry and one at a brick masonry chimney.

But I did want to tell you that I was very impressed with Austin, the young fellow that ran the lift for me. I am not sure I have ever had such a smooth and accurately-placed ride. It wasn't the highest roof I ever had to look at, and maybe the equipment rental was newer, but still, it was refreshing to see the competence of that young fellow.

Dave Stakem Adjuster June 28, 2022