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GSM Roofing Exceptional Employee – Michael Beakes

Michael Beakes

Exceptional results require the expertise of exceptional people! Get to know Michael Beakes, Safety Manager, at GSM Roofing.

How long have you been employed with GSM Roofing?
9 Months.

What is your job and what does it entail?
Safety Manager, Ensuring the company is compliant with all legal and industry safety standards. Train employees on safety and environmental requirements and standards. Audit job sites and company-owned facilities.

How would you describe the team/work culture at GSM Roofing?
Excellent. Top-level management, middle management, and the hourly workforce work cohesively to ensure all projects are completed with quality as their main focus.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?
Helping to make this company the industry standard for safety.

What is something most people do not know about you?
I spent 23 years in the Army as a Combat Engineer and Paratrooper.

What music is on your playlist?
Classic rock and Country.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Mark Twain, that dude was funny and had interesting thoughts about people.

How would you describe your job to a class of kindergartners?
Working to make your dads and moms come home to you every day just as healthy as when they left for work in the morning.

Do you have any additional comments?
Thank you to the Gooding Group Owners and Senior Management for putting resources into the company’s safety program and carrying about your workforce.

A big thanks to the GSM team, the guys were a big help at our test roof installation yesterday.

Michael Stieh Sr Staff Engineer