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GSM Roofing Exceptional Employee – Jesse Cook

Exceptional Employee Jesse Cook

Exceptional results require the expertise of exceptional people! Get to know Jesse Cook, Service Technician/Foreman at GSM Roofing.

How long have you been employed with GSM Roofing?

25 Years

What is your job and what does it entail?

I am a Service Technician/Foreman. I answer service calls and work on smaller roof projects.

How would you describe the team/work culture at GSM Roofing?

I would say that each of us all have the common goal – to get the job done safely and in a timely manner. We try to have a little fun while staying focused on the task at hand.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?

Well, money #1 but I also enjoy what I do. We all have our bad days but it’s a good feeling, when the job is done, to stand back for a second and look at what our hard work has accomplished. So I guess you could say that feeling of accomplishment for my #2 reason.

What is something most people do not know about you?

I can sew (with a sewing machine).

What music is on your playlist?

Classic Rock, Blues. Pink Floyd mostly.

If you could meet someone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Probably David Gilmour. The lead singer and guitarist for Pink Floyd. I’ve been a huge fan of Pink Floyd since I first heard them in my teens. His guitar work is extraordinary.

How would you describe your job to a class of kindergartners?

It’s can be very dirty and hard work. But at the end of the week you get money for it so it’s not that bad.

I do not check the work. But I can say that the two men answered my question with courtesy. They assured me that the roof is in good order. And your company responded to the work order on short notice as coordination with plumber’s installation was key. My association with your company has always been more than satisfactory.

Ann Liarakos