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New Members Inducted into 25 Year Club

GSM Roofing has inducted two new members into the 25 Year Club.  Both men are employed in our Service Division.  Bard Hammer and Wayne Homsher were honored at a dinner held for all employees who have worked for GSM 25 years or longer.  This year we also recognized Daryl Keith and Cliff Snyder for 30 years of service, Dave Althouse for 35 years of service and John Gooding for 45 years of service.  These guys all deserve congratulations and our thanks for their many years of service.

GSM Industrial, also a member of the Gooding Group, had three employees who joined the 25 Year Club this year.  They are John Buffenmyer, Denny Papich and Jay Moyer.

John is the Supervisor of Field Operations, Jay is the Supervisor of Shop Operations and Denny is an Account Rep.  Congratulations to these men for their service to GSM Industrial.  Along with the employees recognized at Roofing for longer periods of service were Dale Ginder, 30 years and Ron Busser, 45 years.  At this milestone, Ron Busser has decided to retire.  Thanks, Ron, for all your hard work over the years!

I did get a chance to inspect the roof of this church last week. There was no damage to the roof, it is actually in quite good condition since it was installed in the late 80’s or early 90’s. The leaks they are experiencing are at the flashing transitions to the stone masonry and one at a brick masonry chimney.

But I did want to tell you that I was very impressed with Austin, the young fellow that ran the lift for me. I am not sure I have ever had such a smooth and accurately-placed ride. It wasn’t the highest roof I ever had to look at, and maybe the equipment rental was newer, but still, it was refreshing to see the competence of that young fellow.

Dave Stakem Adjuster